Andrew Vaillancourt

Andrew Vaillancourt

Software Developer living in Ottawa, Canada

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About Me

I am currently working on the Cloud Platform team at Wind River Systems. My CS related interests are centered around distributed computing, including parallel programming, high performance computing, and cloud/systems architecture. Other hobbies include writing and performing music (come check out a gig!), restoring vintage audio equipment, and backcountry travel by canoe in our remote lakes and rivers. My dream is to support a happy and healthy family while doing what I love; learning and playing with new technologies. I also enjoy posting the occasional tech tutorial on my YouTube channel.

Latest Projects

Swift Cluster

Building a Beowulf Cluster

Check out my blog documenting my building of a 5 node cluster for high performance computing and as a platform for implementing my own private OpenStack Swift cloud storage cluster.

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project name

SUMO with TraCI YouTube Tutorial

A tutorial I made demonstrating how to make dynamic changes to a running SUMO simulation using TraCI.

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Terrain Shader

Procedural Terrain Generation

My first foray into graphics with OpenGL and shaders

Find out more at Github

Space Dude

Space Dude

This is a 2D spaceshooter game written in Ruby using Gosu. I wrote it last year over a weekend or two to learn the basics of game development. Cool little library for learning how to code games without getting bogged down in the features of a full game engine like Unity3D.

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Other Projects

GitHub Insights Retriever Open Source

Retrieve all of your GitHub public repository insights with one quick command from the terminal. Check it out on Github. Pull requests welcomed!

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Hybrid Programming Open Source

I am doing some performance analysis of hybrid OpenMP / MPI programming on my cluster, as well as on the university's Mercury cluster. I am focusing on less embarrassingly parallel algorithms that involve partitioning of tasks, rather than simple data partitioning.

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